Bone Frog Open - Irish Edition

Author: Warren Golf Course

Warren Golf Course's 11th green with 13 flags for the Bone Frog Open - Irish Edition
Photo Credit: Kyle Demeter
The 11th green with 13 holes installed.

On Monday September 9th 2024 the Warren Golf Course hosted the Bone Frog Open - Irish Edition. A fundraising event for the Uncommon Grit Foundation, the open is "... about awareness, remembrance, patriotism, camaraderie, and fun. The goal is to celebrate legacies and raise money to support military, first responders, and their families as a way of doing our part to thank these men and women for being the ones to run toward danger, not away from it."

Bone Frog Open - Irish Edition Golf Carts staged and decorated with American flags
Carts decorated with American Flags and staged for the Bone Frog Open - Irish Edition.

One of the unique features of the event was the hole-in-one contest on the 11th green. Thirteen holes were placed on the green to increase the odds of success among the field. Alas, even with the odds increased a hole-in-one was not recorded during the event. But, in spite of that, a great time was had by the participants and funds were raised for a good cause.